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Right in the Eye, a live movie-concert of Georges Méliès’ films

Published March 29nd 2024, Cultural Voice, USA

Right in the Eye is more than a showcase of the silent films of Georges Méliès, it is more than a showcase of modern music performed live. Rather, it is the perfect synthesis of the two, where Georges Méliès’ films and the live performance of Jean-François Alcoléa’s music perfectly complement each other and make for a stunning hybrid experience, courtesy of historic Thalian Hall, where Thomas Edison once screened Méliès’ films back when cinema was a young art form.

The first thing that struck me was the careful curation of the films presented. Despite the event being called Right in the Eye, Méliès’ film A Trip to the Moon, arguably his most recognizable work to modern audiences, was absent from the presentation. Instead, 11 other films of varying lengths were selected and carefully grouped together. After a short introductory film that gives some historical background the first four short films (The Wonderful Living Fan, A Nightmare, Panorama from Top of a Moving Train, and Divers at Work on the Wreck of the ‘Maine’) were presented one after another, then the longer short The Kingdom of the Fairies, then the short The Lilliputians and the Giants (Gulliver’s Travels), then three shorts together again (The Four Troublesome Heads, The Dwarf and the Giant, and An Impossible Balancing Feat), and finally the longer short film An Impossible Voyage.

When I say these films are carefully curated, I not only mean that they were selected for the presentation from Méliès’ filmography but they were also very intentionally arranged. The four that were presented together at the beginning all gave the audience a sense of Méliès’ technical wizardry, setting the stage for the later longer pieces Kingdom of the Fairies and An Impossible Voyage. Putting other shorts in between these helped to break up the pacing and effectively kept the flow of the performance. I especially enjoyed arranging together The Four Troublesome Heads, The Dwarf and the Giant, and An Impossible Balancing Feat as that drew attention to their shared format as filmed magic tricks, with Georges Méliès using editing, superimposition, and other film techniques to create illusions that play with the tactile nature of film itself. Curation with this level of intentionality is a skill and one that I wish more people who present short film collections to the public would employ.

All that being said, describing what Jean-François Alcoléa and his merry men have done as simply “presenting” or “screening” is too passive. When I first heard of this production, I assumed it would simply be live music presented with the selected films as they would have been back in the silent film era. After witnessing the event, however, I would better describe the event as an adaptation of Méliès’ films. Not only have Alcoléa and his collaborators composed original music for the shorts, but they also made their performance part of the spectacle.

The score is decidedly modern and composed on an array of fascinating instruments, with only three instrumentalists on stage to perform the music, with the stage lights just bright enough that you can see them without it interfering with the films. The instrumentalists brought a lively energy to the concert as they constantly shifted and swapped a vast array of bizarre instruments. At one point, Alcoléa sat on stage and, armed with only a small array of objects and a machine to loop sounds, created the soundscape of a forest.

But it was never forgotten that these pieces are meant to compliment the shorts, each of the longer shorts is accompanied by a short overture against a black screen to signal to the audience that this short will be a separate experience from the others or the ones that are grouped together. And the shorts that are grouped together have overarching musical themes and motifs but specific variations for each short within their respective block.

After an extensive ovation, we were treated to an encore presentation, the short film The Fat and the Lean Wrestling Match, thus concluding the concert.

Connecting the films of Georges Méliès and the music of Jean-François Alcoléa is a deliberate tactility to the art itself. Both men are illusionists, but they never want you to get so wrapped up in the illusion that you forget to marvel at the construction of it. It’s a magic show, but not one where the magician has made it impossible for you to tell; one where the illusion is so spectacular that you don’t want to notice the man behind the curtain. Both men are having fun with the art forms of cinema and music, and together they create a truly playful and dazzling live experience.

Right in the Eye is promised to wow children and adults alike

Published October 27nd 2022, Cultural Voice, North Carolina USA

Alcoléa has been creating shows with images for more than 15 years. As a pianist, a composer, an improviser, and a stage designer, Alcoléa’s shows reflect his plural universes that combine music, sound effects, lighting, still images and moving pictures.

Film meets music and magic

Broadcasted February 22nd 2022, by SDPB Radio, NPR, USA

Film meets music and magic during Méliès Cine-Concert
The films of Georges Méliès are finding new life thanks to the work of French musician and magician Jean-François Alcoléa.
Right in the Eye is a concert designed as a soundtrack to a montage of silent films by Méliès.
We talk with Jean-François Alcoléa and learn how the filmography of Méliès inspired him to pursue a “collaboration”.

The Prom’Hits Broadway; and more

Broadcasted October 25nd 2018, by WABE Radio Atlanta, NPR, USA

Jean-François Alcoléa joins Lois Reitzes in “City Lights” studio to talk about his upcoming performance called Right in the Eye.

Right in the Eye in New York

Broadcasted by Canal + Channel, France

“It’s an extraordinary opportunity to introduce the French creator that was Méliès to the Land of Cinema”. Interview with Jean-François Alcoléa at the occasion of the company’s first tour in the United States.

Right in the Eye – Live Movie-Concert of Georges Méliès’ Films ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Published August 12th 2019, Tweeter

Right in the Eye – Live Movie-Concert of GeorgesMéliès’ Films. @Cie_Alcolea explore the legacy of a unique cinematic entrepreneur with playful, childlike energy. Inventive percussion & joyous, melodic harmonies combine to form a whole truly greater than the sum of its parts. 5/5.”

Right in the Eye, French Institute, Edinburgh ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Published August 9th 2019, by Jim Gilchrist, United Kingdom

In this delightful show, pianist, composer and stage designer Jean-François Alcoléa and his crew recapture the sheer manic daftness of Méliès’s inventive genius, as well as its lingering wonder.

Right in the Eye – Live Movie-Concert of Georges Méliès’ Films ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Published August 23rd 2019, by Scott Blair, United Kingdom


Georges Méliès is often described as the inventor of cinema. Originally working in theatre and with experience in magic and special effects, he was one of the first to make use of the Lumière Brothers’ invention to create narrative movies which took fantastical stories and ideas as well as develop many types of special effects in filmmaking.

Daily Inspiration: Meet Jean-François Alcoléa

Published April 7th 2022, by Voyage Minnesota, USA

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jean-François Alcoléa.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Hi everyone. I am Jean-François Alcoléa, the Artistic Director of an artistic multidisciplinary French-based Company. I was born in Marseille, France, where I grew up until my adolescence. I studied music graduated in piano, chamber music, theory and composition and went through many music bands and ensembles as jazz, French song, rock and classical. I love diversity, as a flourishing power, but also as a means of sharing and exchange with people.

Right in the Eye – Live Movie-Concert of Georges Méliès’ Films ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Published August 8th 2019, by Mary Woodward, United Kingdom


A magical hour where films, lighting and music weave a rich tapestry. A unique experience that goes way beyond merely watching very old movies.

Right In the Eye – Live Movie Concert of Georges Méliès’ Films, Fringe 2019 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Published September 7th 2019, by Tanja Schangin, United Kingdom

Entering the dimly lit, black-curtained performance room with its ceiling muffled in rococo stone roses and pomegranates in Edinburgh’s French Institute feels like creeping into an old jewellery box to escape the Fringe’s buzz. But the performance that is about to take place is everything but dusty: French multi-instrumentalist Jean-François Alcoléa’s musical brainchild Right in the Eye, a live concert designed as a soundtrack to a series of silent films by the father of special effects, Georges Méliès, is an exuberant mixed-media feast full of experimental verve.

Right In the Eye ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Published August 6th 2019, by Oluwatayo Adewole, United Kingdom

Right In The Eye is a movie concert that pays tribute to an illusionist, early visionary filmmaker – Georges Méliès.
The concert opens with narration over some videos and stills (primarily from Méliès’ body of work), explaining in brief terms who Méliès was, from the perspective of his son. Whilst this opening is a little too venerative, it’s still useful in providing a framework for who he is, considering that much of his work is over a century old, making it a lot easier for a new generation to understand exactly why he’s so important and groundbreaking. Their selection of movies also helped with this goal, all being relatively easily accessible in their humour and visually impressive in spite of their age.

Right in the Eye

Published February 24nd 2022, by South Dakota, USA

A trio of virtuoso musicians are almost a show in themselves, as they conjure music from an extraordinary array of instruments: basics like piano, percussion and guitar; fantastic oddities like the aquaphone (ocean harp), theremin and melodica; and mundane objects like stemware, circular saws, and even plastic take-out lids. 

Live movie-concert to George Méliès – special effects pioneer

Published February 11th 2022, by Voyage Minnesota, USA

Live movie-concert to George Méliès – special effects pioneer
It is the musical brainchild of Jean-François Alcoléa who has created a magical show where a multi-layered, evocative and intricate score complements and interprets the otherwise silent films.

EdFringe – Right In the Eye, Jean-Francois Alcoléa

Broadcasted August 13th 2019, by Darnelle Radford, USA

On today’s podcast, Musician, Jean-Francois Alcoléa talks about the Edinburgh Festival Fringe offering, Right In The Eye, a live musical production featuring the works of Georges Méliès, the inventor of cinema and special effects. This production, featured at the French Institute in Edinburgh, tours all over the world. Here is my interview with Jean-Francois Alcoléa.

Jean-François Alcoléa brings to life the cinematographic works of George Méliès

Published February 4th 2022, by, USA

Right in the Eye from composer-scenographer Jean-François Alcoléa is a live concert designed as a soundtrack to a montage of silent films by French Legion of Honour recipient George Méliès (1861–1938).
Right in the Eye introduces audiences to the wonderful world of Méliès, inspired by his multiple universes, combining music and sound compositions, lighting, still images and moving pictures. The performance is the musical brainchild of composer-scenographer Jean-François Alcoléa who has created a magical show where a multi-layered, evocative and intricate score complements and enhances Méliès silent films.

Jean-François Alcoléa: It is a unique artistic, human and social performance

Published August 8th 2019, by Mary Woodward, United Kingdom

A live trio of French musicians intertwine playful modern compositions and the fantasy of the legendary filmmaker Georges Méliès, father of cinema and the inventor of special effects. French composer Jean-François Alcoléa and his fellow musicians use sound and image to create a universe as inventive as the filmmaker’s creations were this August to add to a richly diverse Fringe programme. Jean-François spoke with The Fountain about the show and their plans post-Fringe.

Eclectic French trio breathes new musical life into Georges Méliès’films

Published November 8th 2018, by Roger Levesque, Canada

Edmonton Journal Classifieds | Log in

The French trio Alcoléa & Cie are touring Canada to perform live music soundtracks to the films of cinema pioneer Georges Méliès.

To say that artist, illusionist, engineer, actor and filmmaker Georges Méliès (1861‐1938) left a great legacy is something of an understatement.

Whether or not he was “the inventor of cinema” is an argument best left up to film historians but there’s no doubt the Parisborn genius contributed hugely to furthering the possibilities of film. Martin Scorsese even immortalized Méliès in his largelyfictitious 2011 family movie Hugo, casting Ben Kingsley in the role of the aged inventor. Roughly a century before the use of computergenerated graphics (CGI) became commonplace in movies, Méliès pioneered techniques like multiple exposures, substituting frames, and timelapse photography, producing the first special effects on film, even handtinting frames to colourize his tales decades before Technicolor.

The Roxy Theatre hosts a new take on the works of Georges Méliès

Published November 5th 2018, by Nick Hawrishok, Canada

Hailing from France, production company Alcoléa & cie will be presenting En plein dans l’œil, or Right in the Eye, on Nov. 8 as a cinéconcert featuring the cinematic works of illusionist and cinematic pioneer Georges Méliès, paired with an original score.

Considered the father of modern cinema by the Lumière Brothers, Méliès left an indelible legacy in  he world of film. According to Jean-François Alcoléa, the composer and creator of the live show, Méliès was attracted to cinema for the possibilities it presented in his work as an illusionist.

En Plein dans l’œil

Published August 9th 2019, by Laura Clay, United Kingdom

I confess to only having a fleeting knowledge of the works of Georges Méliès, mainly through scenes of A Trip To The Moon being used in several music videos. For this show, though, creator Jean François Alcoléa deliberately chose a variety of lesser-known works from the founding father of French film, setting them to a semi-improvised live soundtrack.

Right in the Eye in Roumania

Published April 11th 2018, by Patricia Marinescu, Roumania