New interactive learning methods – Digital education images and sound

With the partnership of the film department of Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain.
World Premiere on February 20th, 2021, with Toronto French Alliance Partnership.
Proposal available in English.
The current health situation leads us into transformations which will last in the future, in our learning and teaching manners. Digital has taken up an important part in our lives, in an unexpecting and indisputable way. In this context, fortified by more than 20 years of experience in educational programming, we created a digital and interactive project about image education, film and soundrack.
This digital and interactive tool is based on tricks techniques, which are still used nowadays, created by Georges Méliès, father of cinema and specials effects’ inventor. Thus, the participants will be able to create, manipulate, and have access to understanding keys about the world of images surrounding us.
Based on the extraordinay epic of our live movie-concert Right in the Eye on Georges Méliès’ films and all the work we have done on image education, we’re now working to create an interactive and dynamic digital platform, with an Open Source large part. Waiting its realization, we are already proposing mutiple offers, from participatory conferences to interactive online workshops.

« I had a good time learning more about the early days of cinema and special effects, especially the work of Méliès. I was surprised the event was live and appreciate the effort Alcoléa & cie put into their presentation even though it was late in France. I learned a lot things to them. Thanks you »
– The audience –

A workshop on the beginnings of cinema
This workshop offers a great place for interactivity between participants and our team. We thus approach the genesis of cinema, starting with the image, from the manipulation processes to the moving image. Graphic and photographic processes are explained, as well as early-cinema, from optical toys to extraordinary photographic inventions, to the Lumière brothers’ cinematograph.
After a presentation of Georges Méliès, based from his films, we explain in a practical way his tricks and special effects, inventions that have crossed history. Filmed in multi-cameras and live, the workshop takes place in a decor, and presented in a very original way!
Would you like to experience?